VaxNSW Connect is a statewide network aimed at enhancing collaboration, accelerating vaccine development, and supporting rapid deployment of effective vaccines.
Key goals of the network:
- facilitate collaboration and leverage available resources across various academic, industry and government sectors involved in vaccine development in NSW
- support the rapid development and deployment of effective vaccines
- provide networking opportunities to its members, and
- establish a dialogue between NSW-based vaccine researchers to facilitate sharing of ideas and opportunities.
Pillars of VaxNSW Connect
Encourage collaboration across the sector to accelerate the development and use of innovative and effective vaccines, including with other states and territories. Integrate outputs into a coordinated pipeline for vaccine research and development.
Coordinate and share resources and expertise to optimise vaccine knowledge and translation outputs. Facilitate competitive research grant applications.
Form a vaccine regulatory working group in partnership with relevant regulatory agencies.
Address the need for regulatory guidelines for new vaccine technologies and their implementation.
About the Network
Researchers who work in the field of vaccinology across New South Wales are invited to join the network. If you are interested in joining the network or sharing your views, please complete our survey.
VaxNSW was formed in 2024 as a collaborative initiative between universities and research institutes in NSW and ACT.
These include:
University of Newcastle
Hunter Medical Research Institute
University of New South Wales
University of Sydney
Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Key contacts
Prof Jamie Triccas, University of Sydney
Prof Jake Baum, UNSW
Prof Tony Cunningham, Westmead Institute for Medical Research
Dr Deborah Burnett, UNSW
Prof Nicholas Wood, Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network
Dr Alexandra Spencer, University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute
Updated 2 months ago