NSW Health and Medical Research

Site Authorisation

In addition to ethical and scientific review, all human research that takes place in NSW public health organisations, or that requires support from a NSW public health organisation in the form of access to participants, tissue or data, must be reviewed and authorised by the organisation’s Chief Executive, or their delegate before commencement. The projects must not commence until the applicant has received written notification of documented authorisation.

Site authorisation enables NSW public health organisations to:

  • ensure that the proposed research project complies with appropriate ethical, scientific, regulatory and professional standards
  • consider whether the project should be conducted at and supported by the organisation, and/or whether the provision of access to participants, their tissue and/or data should be supported
  • be aware of all research taking place at sites under their control.

There are two pathways to site authorisation in NSW, depending on the research activities:

  1. Site Specific Assessment
  2. Access Request review.

More information

Site authorisation must be sought and conducted in accordance with Policy Directive Research – Authorisation to Commence Human Research in NSW Public Health Organisations.

Enquiries and advice

Enquiries or advice about applications for site authorisation (i.e. site specific assessments and access requests) should be directed to the relevant Research Governance Officer. The NSW Research Governance Officers directory lists contact details and facility information including locations and services covered.

Updated 4 years ago

mobiDRIP an innovative new portable intravenous pump. It received an MDF grant in 2013