NSW Health and Medical Research

Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Program

Bringing clinical trials closer to home

The Rural, Regional and Remote Clinical Trial Enabling Program, is

  • supported by $30.6M funding from the Australian Government Medical Research Future Fund
  • being delivered by NSW Health in partnership with ACT Health and state and national partners
  • establishing increased and more equitable access to clinical trials for people in rural, regional, and remote NSW and the ACT.
  • locally led by three Clusters (Northern, Western and Southern) in partnership with state and national partners, and
  • centrally supported by the Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health
The Program will deliver a clinical trial ecosystem which meets the needs of local communities, attracts sponsors, and embeds a sustainable clinical trials model for R3 NSW and ACT.

Contact the Clusters

Contact the Clusters on email links below to learn more about conducting clinical trials in these regions:

Contact Northern Cluster

Contact Southern Cluster

Contact Western Cluster

Why is this Program needed?

Clinical trials provide the most robust evidence to change clinical practice. Clinical trial involvement by patients, clinicians, and healthcare organisations offers early access to new treatments, skills, and medical technology; in turn generating significant economic, medical, and scientific benefits to the rural, regional, and remote areas of NSW and the ACT.

In rural, regional, and remote settings, populations have poorer health outcomes and shorter life expectancies than people living in metropolitan areas. Some communities also lack access to clinical trials and new products and therapies.

Clinical trials addressing the health needs of rural, regional, and remote populations are rare, resulting in a lack of evidence on how to improve practice in these settings. Barriers to research in regional areas have included geographical isolation, and lack of workforce experience, skills, and capacity.

R3-CTEP is building systems and workforce development and support to address the barriers.

Health care environments active in research and clinical trials achieve better outcomes for their participants.

Through partnership, co design and local leadership the Program will contribute to improving access and outcomes for people living in rural, regional and remote areas.

What are the Clusters?

A network of three Clusters has been established to facilitate and deliver clinical trials across geographical clusters of NSW and ACT – Northern, Southern and Western.

The Clusters

  • represent a collaborative of Local Health Districts and Canberra Health Services.
  • are working with partners across the health and research spectrum to design, implement and evaluate service models that can be scaled nationally
  • hold the knowledge and expertise about clinical trial operations across their member Local Health Districts.
  • are addressing their Clusters identified needs and
  • are collaborating to build a sustainable clinical trial ecosystem across rural regional and remote areas of NSW and ACT.

Cluster Clinical Trial Support Units

Each cluster hosts a Clinical Trial Support Unit responsible for

  • Supporting and facilitating clinical trials in all therapeutic areas across all trial sites
  • Supporting local trial start-up and close-out
  • Coordinating recruitment activities for trials within cluster and across clusters, as relevant
  • Building a critical network of skilled staff based directly in R3 locations
  • Developing and supporting local research/clinical leaders and championing business development services
  • Facilitating academic trial expertise as needed, particularly to support the development of investigator-initiated capability in R3 locations.

Program key activities

The program has a series of Key Activity and associated projects. The projects are multifaceted and, in many ways, complementary, aimed at designing and embedding the infrastructure required for a sustainable clinical trials ecosystem.

Deliver clinical trials directly to the community: develop decentralised clinical trials capacity and capability Involve communities in clinical trials: clinical trial awareness, engagement, recruitment, and retention Conduct trials to international best practice standard: professionalise rural, regional, and remote clinical trial services Support and develop the local workforce: deliver locally through rural, regional, and remote clinical trial support units

Governance and project coordination.

Contact us

All enquiries related to the Executive Committee, the Advisory Group or other enquiries should be directed to MOH-RRR-CTEP@health.nsw.gov.au


Updated 1 month ago