NSW Health and Medical Research

Program evaluations

Measuring impact and driving improvement in health and medical research

The Office for Health and Medical Research plays a crucial role in enhancing the NSW health and innovation ecosystem by employing measurement and evaluation methods to assess the impact of its programs. By tracking the implementation and effectiveness of initiatives, the Office ensures continuous improvement and gathers valuable insights from research grants to inform future strategic decisions.

Evaluation framework


This evaluation of the NSW Health Early-Mid Career Grant Program, undertaken by the Hunter Medical Research Institute, describes the ongoing and far-reaching benefits of the Program. The Program was established in 2016 and supports researchers in the early years of their careers by providing funding for research, professional developments, and equipment.


The COVID-19 Research Outcomes Report 2024 builds on the impacts detailed in the earlier interim report and provides an update on progress to July 2023, documenting the outcomes and outputs of the Program. Due to how rapidly research was translated in the early days of the pandemic, the interim report should be read in conjunction with this final report to ensure full understanding of the overall impact of the Program.


The COVID-19 Research Program Impact Evaluation Report 2021 provides an update on progress and examines preliminary outcomes of the NSW Health COVID-19 Research Program as of 31 January 2021.

Updated 3 months ago