15 OCT 2020
Local connections to reveal how Aboriginal communities stay healthy during the pandemic
While stories of people not wanting to follow public health guidelines regularly make the news, we are less...
09 OCT 2020
Platform study design advantage for quicker access to treatments
Any new medical treatment undergoes vigorous testing before it hits the shelves. Unfortunately, conventional...
06 OCT 2020
Investigating the behaviours of a population in a pandemic
When it comes to managing a public health crisis, one thing is certain: evidence is gold. Data drives...
28 SEP 2020
Making preventative health care culturally safe for Aboriginal people
Australians have adopted many positive health behaviours amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Increased hand washing...
14 SEP 2020
How AI software will track snoring’s silent killer
When it comes to wake-up calls, they don’t come much bigger than the time Dr Nadi Sadr’s father fell...
10 SEP 2020
Discovery challenges the foundations of gene therapy
A new publication by scientists from Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) has challenged one of the foundations...
04 SEP 2020
New trial to bolster kidney health in people with early type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is the world’s fastest-growing chronic condition, but its first-line treatment hasn’t...
27 AUG 2020
NSW Government research grant helps boost genome sequencing techniques to track COVID-19
Whole genome sequencing rarely results in breaking news alerts, but the COVID-19 crisis has put science...
25 AUG 2020
Healthy gut, healthy immune system: how our microbiome helps protect us from disease
Our immune system defends us from invading germs, but – somewhat paradoxically – it’s the trillions...
21 AUG 2020
Can vaping nicotine help people on methadone stub out their final cigarette?
Overall cigarette smoking rates in Australia are almost half what they were in 1995 . But one group...