NSW Health and Medical Research

Health & Medical Research news

08 DEC 2021

The people behind a multi-award winning innovator

The 2021 winner of the Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation, Professor Tony Weiss, says he wouldn’t...

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01 DEC 2021

A regulatory affair

Expert presenters in the NSW Health Commercialisation Program can help you develop a regulatory strategy...

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25 NOV 2021

Supporting the mental health of Aboriginal healthcare workers during COVID-19

Even before COVID-19 struck, health workers in NSW’s Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services...

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18 NOV 2021

Over $17 million awarded to 30 NSW cardiovascular researchers

Every year in NSW over 15,000 people die from cardiovascular disease. This is more than 40 people every...

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29 OCT 2021

How whole genome sequencing is restoring hope for patients with inherited eye disease

Not so long ago, unravelling the cause of inherited eye diseases was like hunting for the proverbial...

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24 OCT 2021

New $96 million RNA pilot manufacturing facility for NSW

NSW is set to lead Australia with a first-of-its-kind pilot facility to develop mRNA and RNA drugs and vaccines...

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24 SEP 2021

Labs, researchers and academics across Sydney are joining forces to create a better COVID test

Science is collaborative; it can be also be highly competitive. But the common global goal to manage...

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16 SEP 2021

Building confidence and trust in Australia’s COVID-19 vaccine roll-out

While vaccination is a vital tool in helping Australia end the COVID-19 pandemic, actually understanding...

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30 AUG 2021

What is translational research?

Translational research does what it says on the tin: it takes findings from controlled clinical studies...

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23 AUG 2021

Action on mRNA primes NSW to lead in combating global disease

The NSW Government has moved ahead in the race to become Australia’s mRNA vaccine manufacturing hub and a global...

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