NSW Health and Medical Research

Health & Medical Research news

22 JUL 2022

From remarkable patients to remarkable cures

How Australian research is leading to new treatments Some patients make an indelible impression. For Professor...

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14 JUL 2022

How an Australian team developed a critical blood test for babies

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a devastating disease and those who are born with it can die, usually before...

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05 JUL 2022

World-first treatment changes outlook for SMA babies

Babies diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) at birth who received life-changing gene therapy...

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29 JUN 2022

An alliance to revolutionise paediatric care

Unparalleled collaboration, world-first precision medicine and more young lives saved – the Luminesce...

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20 JUN 2022

CMRI represented at Bio International Convention

NSW’s international reputation in advanced therapeutics was the topic for discussion when Children’s...

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19 JUN 2022

$270 million to accelerate med tech innovation

NSW will be at the forefront of cutting edge health treatments as part of a $270 million boost to biomedical...

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17 JUN 2022

What medtech start-ups need to know about protecting intellectual property

The NSW Health Commercialisation Training Program includes a one-day seminar to help start-ups understand...

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16 JUN 2022

NSW medtech takes centre stage at San Diego BIO 2022

NSW’s leading research and medtech capabilities will be showcased to the world at one of the largest...

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10 JUN 2022

Budget investment to accelerate RNA R&D

The NSW Government will accelerate the translation of local RNA research into new products, services...

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26 MAY 2022

ZERO ramps up

The highly successful Zero Childhood Cancer program (ZERO) is opening its doors to all children with...

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