Ethics and governance contacts
For enquiries or advice about applications for ethical and scientific review, please contact the Executive Officer of the relevant Human Research Ethics Committee.
You may also contact the relevant Human Research Ethics Committee for more information about post-approval reporting and study management. This includes advice relating to eligibility for expedited review; meeting and application submission dates; completion of the application form(s); and submission of the application form(s) and supporting documents.
A Certified Human Research Ethics Committee is one that is hosted by an institution that has been certified by the National Health and Medical Research Council to participate in the national approach to single ethical review. Certification details can be accessed through the National Health and Medical Research Council Human Research Ethics Portal.
For enquiries or advice about applications for site authorisation (i.e. site specific assessments and access requests) please contact the relevant Research Governance Officer.
NSW Health Early Phase Clinical Trials HRECs
Use the + to view more information on each organisation.
- Organisation
- Phone
Bellberry Limited
- Adults
- 08 8361 3222
Chief Executive: Kylie Sproston
Early Phase Clinical Trials Manager: Jerneen Williams
Phone: 08 8122 4575
123 Glen Osmond Road
Eastwood, Adelaide South Australia, 5063
HREC Meeting Dates:
Sydney Children's Hospitals Network
- Paediatrics
- (02) 9845 3105
Executive Officer: Ms Asra Gholami
Chair: A/Prof Sarah Garnett
Early Phase Clinical Trials Research Ethics Officer: Melinda Giles
Phone: (02) 9845 3105
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Kids Research Institute
Children's Hospital at Westmead
Locked Bag 4001
Westmead NSW 2145
HREC Meeting Dates:
NSW Human Research Ethics Committees
Use the + to view more information on each organisation’s Human Research Ethics Committee.
- Organisation
- Phone
Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW
- AH&MRC Ethics Committee [EC00342]
- 02 9212 4777
Ethics Manager: Sonny Green
Chair: Aunty Val Keed
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
Note: All human research projects affecting the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people and communities in NSW must be reviewed by the Ethics Committee of the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW (AH&MRC). This is the case even if the project has been reviewed by a NSW Health HREC.
AH&MRC Ethics Committee
PO Box 1565
Strawberry Hills NSW 2012
HREC Meeting Dates:
Far West Local Health Districts
- Greater Western Area Health Service HREC [EC00399]
- 02 6330 5948
Executive Officer: Mr Phil Sanders
Chair: A/Professor Tony Brown
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
This HREC is permitted to conduct single ethical review for multi-centre research in NSW only.
39 Hampden Park Road
PO Box 143
Bathurst NSW 2795
HREC Meeting Dates:
Hunter New England Local Health District
- Hunter New England HREC [EC00403]
- 02 4921 4140
Executive Officer: Dr Sarah Moberley, Manager Research Ethics and Governance
Chair: Ms Mandy Hunter
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Awabakal Country
Level 3, POD, HMRI
Lot 1 Kookaburra Circuit
New Lambton Heights NSW 2305
Mailing Address:
HNELHD Research Office
John Hunter Hospital
Lookout Road
New Lambton Heights NSW 2305
ABN : 63 598 010 203
HREC Meeting Dates:
Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health
- Justice Health HREC [EC00119]
- 02 9700 3443
Executive Officer: Ms Josie Cullen
Chair: Dr Megan Williams
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
Note: All human research projects undertaken with people in the correctional environment in NSW must be reviewed by this HREC.
Justice Health and Forensic Mental Health Network
PO Box 150
Matraville NSW 2036
HREC Meeting Dates:
Mid North Coast Local Health Districts
- North Coast NSW HREC [EC00415]
- 0421 028 924
Executive Officer: Ms Rebecca Lavery, A/Executive Officer
Chair: (TBA)
Population Health and Health Services Studies: Mr Paul Corben
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
PO Box 821
Murwillumbah NSW 2484
HREC Meeting Dates:
Murrumbidgee Local Health District
- Greater Western Area Health Service HREC [EC00399]
- 0436 679 115
There is no local HREC for Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD). However, via an agreement with Western NSW Local Health District, the Greater Western Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) conducts ethical review for all new single centre applications for research to be conducted in MLHD.
Please contact the Greater Western HREC for further information about ethical review at phone (02) 6330 5948 or e-mail .
After ethical approval has been granted by the Greater Western HREC, MLHD conducts its own research governance site review to determine whether research is approved to proceed at sites in MLHD. If you have questions about the research governance site review process then please contact the MLHD Research Governance Officer, Dr Janelle Thomas, at or on (02) 5943 2014 .
HREC Meeting Dates:
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
- Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District HREC [EC00151]
- 02 4734 1998
Executive Officer: Ms Tanya Harley
Chair: Prof Ian Seppelt
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Office
Level 5 South Block, Nepean Hospital
PO Box 63
Penrith NSW 2751
HREC Meeting Dates:
Northern NSW Local Health Districts
- North Coast NSW HREC [EC00415]
- 0421 028 924
Executive Officer: Ms Rebecca Lavery, A/Executive Officer
Chair: (TBA)
Population Health and Health Services Studies: Mr Paul Corben
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
PO Box 821
Murwillumbah NSW 2484
HREC Meeting Dates:
Northern Sydney Local Health District
- Northern Sydney Local Health District HREC [EC00112]
- 02 9926 4590
Executive Officer: Olivia Hu
Chair: Dr Greta Ridley
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Office
Level 13, Kolling Building, Royal North Shore Hospital
Reserve Road
St Leonards NSW 2065
HREC Meeting Dates:
NSW Ministry of Health & Cancer Institute NSW
- NSW Population and Health Services Research Ethics Committee [EC00410
- 02 8374 5689 or 8374 3610
Executive Officer: Ms Chehani Alles
Project Support Officer, Research Ethics: Mr Patrick Borzycki
Chair: Prof David Roder
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: No
Note: this is a Cancer Institute NSW and NSW Ministry of Health joint committee - all research involving access (including linkage) to statewide data collections owned or managed by NSW Health or the Cancer Institute NSW must be reviewed by this HREC.
Cancer Institute NSW
PO Box 41
Alexandria NSW 1435
HREC Meeting Dates:
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- South Eastern Sydney Local Health District HREC [EC00134]
- 02 8797 7605
Executive Officer: Marie Le Bechennec, A/Research Ethics and Governance Manager
Chair: Professor Georgina Hold
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
G71, East Wing, Edmund Blackett Building
Prince of Wales Hospital
Cnr Avoca and High Streets
Randwick NSW 2031
HREC Meeting Dates:
South Western Sydney Local Health District
- South Western Sydney Local Health District HREC [EC00136]
- 02 8738 8304
Executive Officer: Dr Shakti Shukla
Chair: Professor Murray Killingsworth
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Directorate
Locked Bag 7279 Eastern Campus
Liverpool BC NSW 1871
Delivery Address:
South Western Sydney Local Health District Executive Office
Liverpool Hospital
Eastern Campus
Scrivener Street
Liverpool NSW 2170
HREC Meeting Dates:
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
- St Vincent’s Hospital HREC [EC00140]
- 02 8382 4960
Executive Officer: Dr Pamela Blaikie, Research Office Manager
Chair: Dr Jane Carland
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney Research Office
Translational Research Centre
97-105 Boundary Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
HREC Meeting Dates:
Sydney Children's Hospital Network
- Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network HREC [EC00130]
- Research Office: 02 9845 3066 Early Phase Clinical Trials Ethics Officer: 02 9845 3105
Executive Officer: Dr Clare Bayram
Early Phase Clinical Trials Ethics Officer: Ms Melinda Giles
Chair: A/Prof Sarah Garnett
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Kids Research
The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Locked Bag 4001
Westmead NSW 2145
HREC Meeting Dates:
Sydney Local Health District
- Sydney Local Health District HREC (CRGH) [EC00118]
- 02 9767 5622
Executive Officer: Ms Kate Flinders, Research Office Manager
Chair: David Le Couteur
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Office
Ground Floor, Building 20
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Concord NSW 2139
HREC Meeting Dates:
Sydney Local Health District
- Sydney Local Health District Ethics Review Committee (RPAH Zone) [EC00113]
- 02 9515 6766
Executive Officer: Ms Rosemary Carney
Chair: Dr Robert Loblay
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Development Office
Suite 210A, RPAH Medical Centre
100 Carillon Avenue
Newtown NSW 2042
HREC Meeting Dates:
Western NSW Local Health Districts
- Greater Western Area Health Service HREC [EC00399]
- 02 6330 5948
Executive Officer: Mr Phil Sanders
Chair: A/Professor Tony Brown
Certified HREC: No
National Mutual Acceptance: No
This HREC is permitted to conduct single ethical review for multi-centre research in NSW only.
39 Hampden Park Road
PO Box 143
Bathurst NSW 2795
HREC Meeting Dates:
Western Sydney Local Health District
- Western Sydney Local Health District HREC [EC00152]
- 02 8890 8183
Executive Officer: Ms Kellie Hansen
Chair: A/Prof Clement Loy
Certified HREC: Yes
National Mutual Acceptance: Yes
Research Office
Westmead Hospital, Rm 2050, Level 2
Research and Education Network Building
Westmead NSW 2145
HREC Meeting Dates:
NSW Research Governance Officers
Use the + to view more information on each organisation’s Research Office.
- Organisation
- Contact
- Phone
- Calvary Mater Hospital Newcastle
- Melissa Gavenlock, Research Governance Officer
- 02 4014 4784
Cancer Council NSW
- Dr John Williams, Research Strategy Unit
- 02 9334 1993
Facilities covered include the Cancer Council NSW offices and Information Centres or Hubs in NSW and the Centre for Health Research and Psycho-oncology (University of Newcastle) for some research studies.
Cancer Council NSW
PO Box 572
Kings Cross NSW 1340
Central Coast Local Health District
- Dr Katherine Bolton, Research Manager, Brianna Attard and Yin Wang, Research Governance Officers
- 02 4320 2085
Facilities include: Gosford Hospital, Long Jetty Hospital, Woy Woy Hospital, Wyong Hospital
Research Office, Level 10
Central Coast Research Institute
77A Holden Street
Gosford NSW 2250
Address for Agreements:
CCLHD, Holden Street
Gosford NSW 2250 Australia
ABN: 88 523 389 096
- Dr Najwa Reynolds, Research and Governance
- 02 8788 3955
Facilities covered include: Greenwich Hospital, Neringah Hospital, Braeside Hospital, Northern Beaches Palliative Care Service
Pallister House, 97-115 River Road
Greenwich NSW 2065
Hunter New England Local Health District
- Kristy Morris, Manager Research Governance
- 02 4921 4140
Hunter New England Local Health District
Lookout Road
New Lambton NSW 2305
Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District
- Research Support Office
- 02 4253 4800
Facilities covered include: Bulli Hospital, Coledale Hospital, David Berry Hospital, Kiama Hospital and Community Health Service, Milton-Ulladulla Hospital, Port Kembla Hospital, Shellharbour Hospital, Shoalhaven District Memorial Hospital, Wollongong Hospital
Wollongong Hospital, Block C, Level 8
LMB 8808
Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network
- Victoria Bell
- 02 9700 3443
Justice Health & Forensic Mental Health Network
PO Box 150
Matraville NSW 2036
Mid North Coast Local Health District-Coffs Clinical Network
- Colleen Nosworthy, Research Governance Officer
- 0428 882 170
Facilities covered include: Bellinger River District Hospital, Coffs Harbour Health Campus, Dorrigo Multi Purpose Service, Macksville District Hospital
Port Macquarie Base Hospital
Wrights Road
PO Box 126
Port Macquarie NSW 2444
ABN: 57 946 356 658
Mobile: 0428 882 170
Mid North Coast Local Health District-Coffs Clinical Network
- Diana Stephens, Research Governance Officer
- 0473 853 782
Facilities covered include: Kempsey District Hospital, Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Wauchope District Memorial Hospital
Executive Administration Offices
Kempsey District Hospital
River St
Kempsey NSW 2440
Mobile: 0428 882 170
Murrumbidgee Local Health District
- Dr Janelle Thomas, Research Governance Officer
- 02 5943 2014
193-195 Morgan Street
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
- Medhia Survery, Research Governance Officer
- 02 4734 1998
Facilities covered include: Blue Mountains Hospital, Community Health Centres within Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, Lithgow Hospital, Mental Health Centres within Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, Nepean Hospital, Portland Tabulam Health Centres within Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District, Springwood Hospital
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
2-6 Station Street
Penrith NSW 2750
ABN: 31 910 677 424
Northern NSW Local Health District
- Rebecca Lavery
- 02 6672 0269
Facilities covered include: Ballina District Hospital, Bonalbo Hospital, Byron Central Hospital, Casino and District Memorial Hospital, Kyogle Memorial Hospital, Lismore Base Hospital, Murwillumbah District Hospital, Nimbin Multi Purpose Centre, The Tweed Hospital, Urbenville Rural Hospital and Health Service, Grafton Base Hospital, McLean District Hospital
Crawford House
70-72 Hunter Street
Lismore NSW 2480
ABN: 67 284 856 520
Northern Sydney Local Health District
- Dylan Chin
- 02 9926 4590
Research Governance Officer: Dylan Chin
Research Governance Officer: Vidura Perera
Facilities covered include: Hornsby Hospital, Macquarie Hospital, Mona Vale Hospital, Royal North Shore Hospital, Ryde Hospital
Executive Unit
Level 14, Kolling Building
Royal North Shore Hospital
Reserve Road
St Leonards NSW 2065
NSW Ambulance
- Dr Kimberley Davis
- NA
Facilities covered include all operational units and corporate services within the Ambulance Service of NSW except Health Emergency and Aeromedical Services.
Office of Medical Services & Research
State Operations Centre
10 Dawn Fraser Avenue
Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127
- NSW Health Pathology
- Andrew Harre, Research Governance Officer
- 02 9464 4766 or 0436 818 727
Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney
- Dr Julie Pryor
- 0427 772 074
Royal Rehabilitation Centre Sydney
PO Box 6
Ryde NSW 1680
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
- Marie Le Bechennec, Operations & Governance Manager
- 02 8797 7605
Facilities covered include: Prince of Wales Hospital, St George Hospital, Royal Hospital for Women, Sutherland Hospital, Sydney and Sydney Eye Hospital, War Memorial Hospital, Albion Street Centre, Kirketon Road Centre and K2, Langton Centre, The Garrawarra Centre, Gower Wilson Memorial Hospital (Lord Howe Island)
Prince of Wales Hospital
G71, East Wing, Edmund Blackett Building
Cnr High & Avoca Streets
Randwick NSW 2031
South Western Sydney Local Health District
- Dr Shakti Shukla, Research Governance Officer
- 02 8738 8304
Facilities covered include: Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital, Bowral Hospital, Camden Hospital, Campbelltown Hospital, Fairfield Hospital, Liverpool Hospital
Research Directorate
Locked Bag 7279
Eastern Campus
Liverpool BC NSW 1871
Delivery Address:
South Western Sydney Local Health District Executive Office
Liverpool Hospital
Eastern Campus
Scrivener Street
Liverpool NSW 2170
ABN: 46 738 965 845
Southern NSW Local Health District
- Nicole Yates, Research Office Contact
- 0476 802 843
Southern NSW Local Health District
Clinical Governance Unit
Community Health Building
PO Box 173
Bega NSW 2550
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney
- Dr Sabine Giesebrecht, Research Governance Officer
- 02 8382 4960
Facilities covered include: Sacred Heart Hospice, St Joseph's Hospital, St Vincent 's Hospital, St Vincent's Private Hospital*, The Mater*, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute*
*These facilities are private sites. Please contact the RGO for research to be undertaken at these sites.
St Vincent's Hospital Sydney Limited
390 Victoria Street
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
ABN: 77 054 838 87
Sydney Children's Hospitals Speciality Network - Randwick and Westmead
- Dr Lucia Smith, Research Governance Manager
- 02 9845 3011
Facilities covered include: Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick, The Children's Hospital at Westmead (also known as the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children), Newborn & Paediatric Emergency Transport Service (NETS), New South Wales Pregnancy and Newborn Services Network (PSN), Children's Court Clinic
Kids Research
The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Locked Bag 4001
Westmead NSW 2145
ABN: 53 188 579 090
Sydney Local Health District - Concord Repatriation General Hospital
- Sarah Truong
- 02 9767 5622
Research Office
Ground Floor, Building 20
Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Concord NSW 2139
Sydney Local Health District - Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- Estelle Ali
- 02 9515 7899
Facilities covered include: Balmain Hospital, Canterbury Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Dental Hospital
Research Development Office
Suite 210A, RPAH Medical Centre
100 Carillon Avenue
Newtown NSW 2042
Western NSW and Far West Local Health Districts
- Mr Phil Sanders, Research Governance Officer
- 02 6330 5948
Level 1, 230 Howick Street
PO Box 143
Bathurst NSW 2795
Address for Agreements:
29 Hawthorn Street
Dubbo NSW 2830
ABN: 50 629 556 404
Western Sydney Local Health District
- Pauline Geale and Tiffany Jessop
- 02 8890 9007
Facilities covered include: Auburn Hospital, Blacktown Hospital, Cumberland Hospital, Mt Druitt Hospital, Westmead Hospital Community Health Centres within Western Sydney Local Health District
Westmead Hospital
Rm 2050, Level 2, Research and Education Network Building
Westmead NSW 2145
Updated 4 months ago
For any enquiries, please reach out to the team: