NSW Health and Medical Research

Clinical trial recruitment resources

Raising awareness of the role and value of clinical trials

As one of Australia’s most culturally diverse states, NSW Health has developed a suite of campaign collateral to support clinical trial recruitment of culturally and linguistically diverse communities in NSW.

Organisations that wish to get involved in the promotion of clinical trials in NSW are welcome to utilise the material below to support recruitment of clinical trial participants.

The campaign’s authenticity comes from the real-life case studies of current and previous clinical trial participants.

This work is an extension of the National Health and Medical Research Council’s (NHMRC) campaign to support promotion and recruitment of participants for clinical trials throughout Australia, by raising awareness of their role and value.

The six-month campaign included social media and paid search engine advertising. It focused on emotionally rich, real life stories and featured Jarryd Roughead, Captain of the Hawthorn Football Club as an ambassador. Jarryd received immunotherapy that completed testing in clinical trials. See Australian Clinical Trials for more information.

Aboriginal resources

Watch and share: Marilyn’s story

Hear about Marilyn’s experience participating in a clinical trial.

Download and share: Marilyn’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 750 KB

Download and share: Steven’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 451 KB


Cantonese resources

Watch and share: Vincent’s story (in English with Cantonese subtitles)

Watch and share: Vincent’s story (in Cantonese with English subtitles)

Download and share: Vincent's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 660 KB

English resources

Watch and share: Frank's story

Watch and share: Liwen’s story

Watch and share: Ma’s story

Watch and share: Marilyn’s story

Watch and share Ruben and Yvonne’s story

Watch and share Steve’s story

Watch and share: Vincent’s story

Download and share: Frank's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 535 KB

Download and share: Ghana's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 611 KB

Download and share: Liwen’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 626 KB

Download and share: Ma’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 433 KB

Download and share: Marilyn’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 750 KB

Watch and share Ruben and Yvonne’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 480 KB

Download and share: Steve’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 641 KB

Download and share: Steven’s story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 451 KB

Download and share: Vincent's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 604 KB


Greek resources

Watch and share: Steve’s story (in English with Greek subtitles)

Watch and share: Steve’s story (in Greek with English subtitles)

Download and share: Steve's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 674 KB

Italian resources

Watch and share: Frank’s story (in English with Italian subtitles)

Download and share: Frank's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 552 KB



Mandarin resources

Watch and share: Liwen’s story (in English with Mandarin subtitles)

Watch and share: Liwen’s story (in Mandarin with English subtitles)

Download and share: Liwen's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 664 KB

Spanish resources

Watch and share: Ruben and Yvonne’s story (in English with Spanish subtitles)

Watch and share: Ruben and Yvonne’s story (in Spanish with English subtitles)

Download and share: Ruben and Yvonne's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 491 KB

Tagalog resources

Watch and share: Ma’s story (in English with Tagalog subtitles)

Watch and share: Ma’s story (in Tagalog with English subtitles)

Download and share: Ma's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 456 KB



Download and share: Ghana's story

  • Social media

    ZIP - 638 KB


Innovative participant recruitment technologies

Clinical trial participant recruitment can be a challenging process and impact the success of a trial. Extensive research into improving trial participant recruitment has been undertaken across the sector. One such example includes work done by the Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA), a national peak body supporting and representing networks of clinician-researchers. In October 2022, ACTA conducted a scoping of novel and innovative recruitment technologies, that can be used to improve recruitment efforts. These technologies can help to reach a wider participant audience and identify eligible participants quickly and more efficiently.

The findings and resources can be found here.

Please note the companies and technologies presented in this program are not endorsed by NSW Health. Due diligence is required when engaging any of the platforms or organisations represented.

Have you had a successful experience with an innovative trial participant recruitment tool? Get in touch with the clinicaltrialsNSW Team to share your experience and support other sites in their recruitment journey.

Updated 6 months ago